

Myriador Launch the first d20 Fighting Fantasy Conversions 18th April 2003

The Warlock of Firetop Mountain Caverns of The Snow Witch

The Warlock of Firetop Mountain was the very first of the Fighting Fantasy™ series of books. First published in 1982, this revolutionary new idea, part book part game, gave the reader a unique experience - a fantasy adventure where you were the hero.

The Fighting Fantasy™ series has 59 titles to date and has sold over 15 million copies worldwide and has been translated into over 20 languages. The Warlock of Firetop Mountain alone sold over 2 million copies. Now the Fighting Fantasy™ books are being re-released allowing a new generation of players to explore the Citadel of Chaos, confront the Warlock of Firetop Mountain or get lost in the Forest of Doom.

The original books were a solo experience; we have written this scenario to allow players to challenge the Warlock on their own or as part of a group of adventurers. The inclusion of the new Luck rules give the single player a good chance of success without making groups of players too powerful.

The Fighting Fantasy™ books could be picked up and played with a minimum of preparation, we have written this scenario to reflect this including pregenerated characters, full colour maps and other play aids to get you started quickly.

One of the great attractions of the Fighting Fantasy™ series of books is that it is very easy to pick up a book and start playing, everything you need is provided in the books, you just need to grab a pencil to get straight into the action. We have tried to write this scenario in the same way, providing you with everything we can so that you can get on and play the game without having to spend ages preparing. Simply hand out the pregenerated characters, get your dice ready and start playing.

Myriador plan to release more Fighting Fantasy™ scenarios in the near future, keep watching this website for more news soon.

© 2003 Myriador Ltd, all rights reserved. 'Myriador' and the Myriador logo are trademarks of Myriador Ltd, all rights reserved. 'Fighting Fantasy' and the Fighting Fantasy logo are trademarks owned by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, all rights reserved, and used with permission. 'd20 System' and the d20 System logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used with permission. Full Legal Notices
