Welcome to Myriador:
FF in Brazil
Myriador teams up with Caladwin in Brazil to bring the D20 Fighting Fantasy adventures to South America.
Sorcery 3: The Seven Serpents
Sorcery 3: The Seven Serpents is the eighth scenario in Myriador's Fighting Fantasy" series of adventure modules. The third of four linked adventures, The Seven Serpents continues the story of a hardy group of adventurers on a hazardous journey across strange lands to recover the fabled Crown of Kings.
Forest of Doom
Forest of Doom is the seventh scenario in Myriador's Fighting Fantasy" series of adventure modules. Based on the highly successful Fighting Fantasy" book of the same name written by Ian Livingstone.
'Konichi-wa Myriador San'
Myriador have been busy trying to spread the word to the farthest shores over the past couple of months. Way out east...
Myriador at GAMA
Mid March saw Myriador at the GAMA Trade Show (GTS) which took place in The Orleans Hotel, Las Vegas. The show was hailed as a big success...
Sorcery 2: Kharé - Cityport of Traps
Sorcery 2: Kharé - Cityport of Traps is the sixth scenario in Myriador's Fighting Fantasy" series of adventure modules. The second of four linked adventures, Kharé - Cityport of Traps continues the story of a hardy group of adventurers on a hazardous journey across strange lands to recover the fabled Crown of Kings.
Trial of Champions
Trial of Champions is the fifth scenario in Myriador's Fighting Fantasy" series of adventure modules. Based on the highly successful Fighting Fantasy" book of the same name written by Ian Livingstone.
Myriador at Dragonmeet
A Steve Jackson signing session and a Deathtrap Dungeon competition made for a fun day at Dragonmmet in December 2003.
Sorcery 1: The Shamutanti Hills
Sorcery 1: The Shamutanti Hills is the fourth scenario in Myriador's Fighting Fantasy" series of adventure modules. The first of four linked adventures, The Shamutanti Hills sets a hardy group of adventurers on a hazardous journey across strange lands to recover the fabled Crown of Kings.
Deathtrap Dungeon
Deathtrap Dungeon is the third scenario in Myriador's Fighting Fantasy" series of adventure modules. Based on the highly successful Fighting Fantasy" book of the same name written by Ian Livingstone.
Play Test Notes Released
One of the few things that have kept us sane while doing these conversions is reading Tim's playtest notes, go on, have a laugh.
Warning!! These contain plot spoilers!
Myriador Launch at Gen Con
Myriador were at Gen Con Europe to launch their first two d20 scenarios - The Warlock of Firetop Mountain and Caverns of the Snow Witch.
Steve Jackson was there for a signing session and to play his first ever d20 game!!
© 2003 Myriador Ltd, all rights reserved. 'Myriador' and the Myriador logo are trademarks of Myriador Ltd, all rights reserved. 'Fighting Fantasy' and the Fighting Fantasy logo are trademarks owned by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, all rights reserved, and used with permission. 'd20 System' and the d20 System logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used with permission. Full Legal Notices 